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And the cherished tradition lives on

One of the most beloved Lebanese traditions is the weekend sobhiyeh (in reference to morning)-the almost sacred morning family get together around a fresh pot of coffee or nescafé and whatever sweets are available around the house. When I was a young child, the task of making the coffee for the sobhiyeh was my dad's. He arranged 5 coffee cups and saucers on the rectangular colorful plexi tray and proudly carried it to the balcony or the family room where my mom, my two younger sisters, and I awaited in our PJs and robes. We children were served a few diluted oversweetened drops, which went a long way towards making us feel important and adult-like. Today, sobhiyeh continues to be sacred to both my husband and me... We just terribly miss our beloved parents' faces and their warm voices around us. Often, we call them and connect over the wires and across the continents. Despite the difference in time zones, my mom often makes a pot of coffee as if to join us. Sobhiyeh on one side of the world, maswiyyeh (in reference to evening) on the other... and the cherished tradition lives on... This mixed media frame is especially precious as it holds a needlework piece by a sweet lady we loved dearly. Wish you were with us Saturday tante Saydeh attending your granddaughter Maya's wedding and seeing how radiant she was and the pride on Mona's face... I know you were in spirit.

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